How to Plan a Perfect Proposal
March 18,2023
Propose with VANCARO Engagement Ring
Once you've found true love, the most important thing you can do is make it stick. We're sure you already know that figuring out how to propose is a major undertaking. To make your long-awaited moment go as smoothly as possible, and to make sure it's the type of proposal your partner really wants, VANCARO Jewelry tapped the expertise of proposal planners to weigh in on 9 things you can't forget before you get down on one knee.
1. Make Sure You're on the Same Page
Before you start planning, it's important to make sure you both have your marriage in mind. Talk to your partner about the future, let them know that someday you want to get married, and ask them if they see a future in marriage as well. Remember not to be overly nervous and make sure the conversation is relaxed and comfortable. If she shares your desire to get married, remember to talk to their parents about it. This part depends on the family and is not required. It also doesn't mean that your partner is anyone's property. Tell them that you want to spend your future life with their daughter/son. You intend to propose and want them to be a part of this exciting moment.
2. Select the Perfect Ring
An engagement ring is a jewelry that your partner will wear every day for the rest of their life, so be sure to get to know what they really like. If you're planning a surprise proposal, you may want to do some research to find out your partner's ring size and style preferences. You can take photos of the jewelry they wear every day, browse their Pinterest boards, or ask a close friend or family member to help narrow down jewelry styles. As for sizing, find a ring he or she wears often and make a note of which finger it goes on. Then take it to a jeweler, or mark its size on your own finger.
As for jewelers, make sure you buy from a trusted store with good reviews and service, such as VANCARO Jewelry, which is dedicated to providing each couple with the best custom ring for them and has earned an outstanding reputation for quality materials and excellent craftsmanship. If your partner likes a sophisticated and luxurious style, then our HALO moissanite ring is a great choice; if your partner prefers a classic and understated style, a platinum solitaire moissanite ring is sure to be her favorite. VANCARO Jewelry would like to witness this sincere and touching moment with you.
3. Get Personal
Now that you have a ring, it's time to plan a proposal. Think about what your partner would like in a proposal, whether it's a grand gesture, an intimate moment, or a surprise surrounded by family and friends. Whatever your budget, start by honing in on a beautiful, sentimental place that you can easily spruce up to set the mood. Find a space that means something to you. It can be your cozy living room, but decorating it with lots of candles will completely change the feel of the space. Use personalization to win major points and steer clear of the one-size-fits-all idea.
4. Take Notes
You don't need to write out your speech exactly as you propose but take a little time to jot down what you want to say. Putting your thoughts down on paper will give you some direction, otherwise half of it will end up being empty talk when you propose. As for what to say when you actually propose, many people usually mention the best qualities of their partner, even recalling the moment they knew they were the right person for each other. That's true sincerity because they felt love and excitement at that moment. Speeches can be short - they can be a few sentences. But talking about what qualities they like in their partner and how excited they are about their future together will be the best of both worlds. And, of course, the "Will you marry me?" That part.
Man Surprise His Girlfriend with Roses
5. Consider Hiring an Expert
You know your loved one best, but it can be very hectic if you prepare everything yourself. If you don't have the time or feel overwhelmed by the whole process, it can be worthwhile to outsource the help with the proposal. Many professional companies take care of everything from logistics to sourcing vendors - just know that such a luxury will cost you. However, these planners have thousands of years of proposal experience and know how to make this milestone memorable. Most importantly, it makes for a worry-free experience. A team of experts can do all the backstage work so you can stay focused and calm and enjoy the moment because it's so important to you.
6. Set Up a Fake Backstory
To avoid screwing up the surprise, come up with a foolproof ruse to get your partner off track. They may know something is up, especially if you're going on a trip or have unusual plans, but a fake game plan can keep the proposer calm if he or she feels they're really insecure in this 'lie'. However be flexible throughout the process, life will happen so be prepared to go with the flow. If you've planned something more low-key, this will likely mean waiting a few days if your loved one is stressed at work or the weather doesn't cooperate. Don't rush into proposing just because the sun is about to set or dinner is about to end - wait until it really feels right.
7. Keep the Ring Safe
From the moment you get your ring in your hand, take good care of it. Invest in insurance, then find a safe place to hide the ring until the time is right. When you're ready to propose, security is still key. Make sure the ring is safely in a zippered pocket or securely in a box - where you can easily reach it without dropping it. Nothing can ruin spontaneity faster than your partner seeing a bulging ring box in your pocket. To save the moment, there's the ultimate proposal hack you might be able to use - the box sock. This wearable accessory has a small pocket and a small ring box that can be retrieved as soon as you bend down to one knee.
Couple in the Party
8. Plan a Celebration
You don't need to plan a full engagement party but make sure you have an idea of how the two of you will celebrate the big moment. Reserve a table at your favorite restaurant, stuff some champagne in the fridge, or have a few friends waiting around. Another very important thing to do is to have a photographer ready and on standby. Whether you hire a professional or trust your friend's phone, you need to record the moment. If your partner doesn't know the proposal is coming, you can expect absolutely epic reaction snapshots. In fact, proposal experts highly recommend booking a photographer to facilitate you in getting quality impromptu engagement photos.
9. Don't Be in a Hurry
Now you're ready to ask the questions! When the moment arrives, take a deep breath, get down on one knee, and give the heartfelt, emotional speech you've probably rehearsed a million times. Please relax yourself, it doesn't really matter which knee you get down on, but if you're hiding the ring in your sock, then get down on the opposite side. Give your partner a moment - they must be given time to process/cry/hug. Then, once they've gathered themselves, figure out when to officially put the ring on. Or your partner may beat you to it and hold out their hand for you to do the honors. Then, congratulations on entering a new phase of intimacy!
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